CDR Reports

Call Reports is designed to be the raw data of all call activity on your phone system. It can be a very challenging module to work with because it’s not in a very user-friendly format and there is so
much raw Call Detail Records (CDR). It is really meant as a way to export the data so you can build your own custom reports around the raw data.

Search Parameters

From the landing page you can run reports against your CDR database and filter on the following:

  • Call Date: Select time span for your report. You can select Date, Month, Year, Hour and Minute to narrow your search
  • CallerID Number: Search for calls based on CallerID Number. You can enter multiple numbers separated by a comma. This field support Asterisk regular expression
  • CallerID Name: Select CallerID Name to search for
  • Outbound CallerID Number: Search for calls based on outbound CID used. You can enter multiple numbers separated by a comma. This field support Asterisk regular expression
  • DID: Search for a DID
  • Destination: Search for destination calls. You can enter multiple sources separated by a comma. This field support Asterisk regular expression
  • Destination CallerID Name: Select Destination Caller Name to search for
  • Userfield: Search for userfield data (if enabled)
  • Account Code: Search for accountcode
  • Duration: Search for calls that matches the call length specified
  • Disposition: Search for calls that matches either ANSWERED, BUSY, FAILED or NO ANSWER

Sample Usage

Note: the default search behavior is "Begins With". Switch to "Contains" if searches are not returning expected results.

Search for all calls from a specified caller ID number

Example: Show all calls coming from a specified caller ID number. Note that this will identify both external callers calling in and internal callers calling out if the incoming or outgoing caller ID number (respectively) matches.

  • Call Date: set a date and time range if desired
  • CallerID Number: set this to the desired caller ID number, e.g. 5551234567, and select "Contains" on the right of this field
  • click "Search"

Search for all calls from a specified caller ID name string

Example: Show all calls coming from a specified caller ID name string "SMITH". Note that this will identify both external callers calling in and internal callers calling out if the incoming or outgoing caller ID name string (respectively) matches.

  • Call Date: set a date and time range if desired
  • CallerID Name: set this to the desired caller ID string, e.g. "smith" (case doesn't matter but don't enter the quotes), and select "Contains" on the right of this field
  • click "Search"

Search for all calls coming in to a specified external DID number

Example: Our organization has several external numbers (direct inbound dial numbers or DIDs). Show all calls dialing to one of these DID number, specifically 555-123-4567.

  • Call Date: set a date and time range if desired
  • DID: set this to the desired external DID number 5551234567 (don't enter hyphens, spaces or any other punctuation)
  • click "Search"

Search for all calls coming in to a specified internal extension

Example: Show all calls dialing to an internal extension, number 700.

  • Call Date: set a date and time range if desired
  • Destination: set this to the desired internal extension number, 700
  • click "Search"

Asterisk Regular Expression/Pattern Matching

  • X = matches any digit from 0-9
  • Z = matches any digit from 1-9
  • N = matches any digit from 2-9
  • [1237-9] = matches any digit or letter in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9)
  • . = wildcard, matches one or more characters


_2XXN, _562., _.0075 = search for any match of these numbers
_!2XXN, _562., _.0075 = Search for any match except for these numbers

Figure 1: Call Detail Reports with Search Results

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