Last modified by Cameron Marx on 2023/07/27 21:48
View and download your inbound faxes.
Your Inbox will show you a list of received faxes for all numbers associated with your user account. You can adjust the number of faxes viewable per page by adjusting the "Show entries" dropdown box. Also, you have the ability to sort faxes by each of the columns by clicking the arrows to the right of that column title as well as search your inbox for faxes. You can search by the Date/Time, Caller ID, or Fax Number.
The Status column will show a black mark with a white check if the fax was successfully received and a blue mark with an exclamation point if there was an error in delivery.
The Action column gives you the ability to delete faxes as well as download available faxes
Fax Table
- Date/Time - timestamp of when fax was received
- From - inbound caller ID number
- To - receiving number
- Pages - pages in faxed document(s)
- Delivery Status - Successful or Failure (hover over fail for error info)
- Read Status - shows if any user has
- Action - View Fax Info, Delete Fax, Download Fax