Voicemail Tab address-book.svg

From the Voicemail tab in the HUD you can listen to, view transcriptions, and share your voicemail messages.

Voicemail Entries

  • Time - Date/Time the voicemail message was left
  • From - Caller ID Name and Caller ID Number of the caller (if available)
  • Duration - Length of the message
  • Actions
    • Play play.svg
    • Transcription transcription-icon.png
    • Delete trash.svg
    • More Actions 
      • Call phone.svg
      • SMS comments.svg
      • Add Contact address-card.svg
      • Download Recording download.svg
      • Download Transcription download.svg
      • Share share.svg

Figure 1: New Voicemails

Figure 2: Old Voicemails

Created by Cameron Marx on 2023/07/21 00:45
Axion Communications 2024
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