Voicemail options are accessible from the main menu at the top right of your portal.  Here you can define how voicemails are handled when they are left for your extension or other extensions you may have access to.

Voicemail Options

Voicemail Options

The available options are as follows:

  • Email address(es):  A comma separated list of email addresses can be entered here to define what emails receive notifications for this voicemail box.
    • example:  testuser1@domain.com,testuser2@domain.com,testuser3@domain.com
  • Cellphone(s): A comma separated list of SMS capable phone number (cell/mobile phone numbers) can be entered here to define SMS notifications should be sent to for this voicemail box.Note: SMS messages can include the voicemail transcription, but WILL NOT include the audio attachment
    • example:  8051112222,4241112222,8501112222
  • Access Via: see below options
    • Phone: Choosing "Phone" will result in voicemails being left on the system and accessible via your phone.  You will need to listen to and then delete these messages
    • Portal: Choosing "Portal" will result in voicemails displaying in the Customer Portal under HUD > Voicemail.  These voicemails will be removed from your phone so that they are access via the portal.
  • Attach Audio: see below options
    • unchecked: If email addresses are defined above and notified on voicemails, those notifications WILL NOT INCLUDE an attachment with the audio file of the voicemail.
    • checked: If email addresses are defined above and notified on voicemails, those notifications WILL INCLUDE an attachment with the audio file of the voicemail.
  • Attach Transcription: see below options
    • unchecked: If email addresses or cellphones are defined above and notified on voicemails, those notifications WILL NOT INCLUDE a transcription of the voicemail.
    • checked: If email addresses or cellphones are defined above and notified on voicemails, those notifications WILL INCLUDE a transcription of the voicemail.
  • Delete after email: see below options - NOTE This option is only controllable if "Access Via" is set to "Portal"
    • unchecked: Received voicemails will be visible in HUD.
    • checked:  Received voicemails will be deleted from HUD after the email and/or SMS notifications are sent out.
Created by David Brand on 2022/07/01 11:09
Axion Communications 2024
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