Phone Numbers

Manage the phone numbers and their destinations on your account.

DID Table

VoIP phone numbers may be referred to as DIDs or Direct-Inward-Dial routes in some cases.  Routing changes made on this page affect rules on Axion's main call routing engine rather than a customer's individual hosted PBX.  This allows SIP Trunk customers to reroute and forward calls when their local PBX is unreachable.  Customers with Axion hosted PBXs are advised to make routing changes on PBX, as this will maintain call recordings, recordings, and reports features.

  • Description    
  • DID Number    
  • Destination    
  • Translate To    
  • Forward To    
  • SMS/MMS    
  • Callback Url

Figure 1: Sea

Figure 2: Waves

Axion Communications 2024
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